A light yet flavorful quinoa dish that goes great with fish or chicken! I invented it on-the-fly one day when I couldn't find quite what I was looking...
When I first began my career as a cook in San Francisco, I remember talking with a Chef about an upcoming menu on which he was thinking of using polenta...
Fried corn sticks are a common appetizer here in Puerto Rico. Although time consuming, it is well worth the effort. Be sure to eat them immediately. I...
Shrimp cooked with garlic and onion are served over garlic cheese grits. This is a dish for garlic lovers. Serve with garlic bread, or your preference...
This quinoa dish is a delicious and higher protein alternative to Spanish rice. This is a nice side dish to a Mexican meal, or it can be used as a filling...
Creamy polenta is seasoned with Parmesan and rosemary -- delicious served with osso buco (braised lamb or veal shanks). This is excellent without the rosemary...
Quinoa is a high-protein, good-for-you grain. It can be substituted for couscous and makes a lovely side dish. This recipe is a crunchy, lemony, healthy...
I remember my aunt telling me about quinoa, saying it was such a wonderfully healthy food and what do you know? It's kosher for Passover! I decided to...
Grilled polenta rounds are crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and topped with a fresh salsa for a light and refreshing appetizer in the hot summer...
Benvenuto, meatless Monday! This is a vegan adaptation of traditional Italian creamy polenta and thick ragu full of vegetable proteins. Bake leftover polenta...
This is a great twist on the traditional french fry. If you don't want to go to the trouble of making your own by scratch, you can always buy prepared...
Why buy polenta in a box when you can make it from scratch cheaper? A great day-before dish. Once the polenta has been refrigerated serve it in a variety...
A savory side dish, tasty yet simple, with carrots, celery, onions and quinoa. I always cut my veggies really small, more like mincing because I don't...
Polenta goes high tech by cooking it in the Instant Pot®! You can make this recipe as is for a complete meal or only use the Instant Pot® to prepare...
Shrimp and grits is a very simple recipe, but make sure you have everything ready before you start cooking the shrimp. They only take a few minutes to...
This recipe is a recreation of a fabulous lunch I had at a favorite restaurant in the Milwaukee, WI area. My teenagers and husband loved it too! Serve...
I came up with this recipe when I couldn't find anything else that would satisfy my cravings for a gourmet shrimp and grits without spending a ton of money...
These polenta fries made in the air fryer are simple, crunchy, delicious, and addictive. My first batch was an experiment and they were so good that I...
I have tried a number of shrimp and grits recipes, but have not found one I really like. So I decided to experiment a bit and created a simple but delicious...
Creamy polenta without any animal products. Serve this for a savory accompaniment to your meals. Polenta goes very well with tomato-based dishes, beans,...
These tiny quinoa seeds really are sponges for flavor. I was really surprised how decadent and satisfying this seemed, and with only a tablespoon of vegetable...
Shrimp and Grits - with the addition of smoked sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, and Worcestershire sauce, this southern classic gets an update, taking...
If you love shrimp and grits you will thoroughly enjoy this new take on a Crescent City Classic used at the storied Commander's Place Restaurant in New...
From Italy's Emilia-Romagna, creamy polenta and cranberry beans are cooked together and then pan-fried. This particular version hails from Modena, famous...
This is a recipe my Alabama mama taught me, who picked it up when she lived in New Orleans. I make it for my family in Oregon and they love it too! This...